Welcome to the Website of the Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers

This page will be updated on a daily basis, to provide a convenient news service to scarce & rare birds found within the County Nottinghamshire.

The Sightings page and @Nottsbirders Twitter feed are intended to alert birders to scarcer species that they might be interested in seeing within the County.

Records of more common species are still very important, but should preferably be submitted to the county Recorder Keith Rainford Bullfinch194@gmail.com These records will then be added to the Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers data-base, to be included in the monthly Newsletter and Annual Reports.

None of these reports have been verified or checked by the Nottinghamshire Birdwatchers' Records Committee.



Please report your Latest Sightings to: nottsbirders@gmail.com or @NottsBirders on the Twitter feed.

Please remember to submit all sightings to Keith Rainford Bullfinch194@gmail.com each month, using the Excel spreadsheet that can be downloaded from the Recording page.

The Birdwatchers Code of Conduct.

The interests of the bird comes first, please follow the Birdwatchers code of conduct

Archived Sightings 2001 - 2023

Archived Sightings 2001 to 2023

Archived Sightings 2024

Species shown in bold Purple on this page are BBRC rarities or species recorded on less than ten occasions in the county. Bold Blue are rare and scarce county birds recorded less than annually that require a description or supporting details for the society’s archive. A full list of these species can be found on the Recording page. Red are species of interest. Bold Grey are unconfirmed sightings or a species of unknown origin.

206 Species have been recorded so far in 2024.

Updated 9th October 2024.

Full List HERE


Tuesday 22nd October

Idle Washlands - 12 Whooper Swan [11 flew in from Gringley 17:30], 400 Pink-footed Geese [north, 15:00], 3 Great White Egret, 3 Grey Heron, 2 Water Rail [calling], 12 Pochard, 18 Pintail, 3 Marsh Harrier, Peregrine [north], 29 LBBG, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 52 Jackdaw [into roost in trees on riverbank], 2 Cetti's Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff, 15 Long-tailed Tit, Stonechat [Slaynes Lane, mid to late afternoon].

Osberton Estate - Merlin [female/imm], Brambling, c.200 Golden Plover, c.16 Pink-footed Geese [south-west].

Besthorpe NR - 5 Whooper Swan [Mons Pool, late afternoon].

Attenborough Nature Reserve - Cattle Egret, 320 Wigeon, 5 Goldeneye, 2 Caspian Gull, 500 Starling [Clifton Pit].

Hoveringham - BLACK TERN [juvenile again but very mobile Sailing Lake/Tipping Pond area, early afternoon at least], 7+Great White Egret, 2 Red Kite, Stonechat.

Monday 21st October

Serlby Estate - c.3000 Pink-footed Geese [on fields south-east of Serlby Golf Course, this evening; viewed distantly from Golf Course access gate or along Green Lane].

Attenborough Nature Reserve - 2 Caspian Gull [adult & 1st-winter, Clifton Pit 17:12].

Papplewick - c.250 Pink-footed Geese [over A60 near the Seven Mile House, 16:44].

Netherfield Lagoons - 3 Caspian Gull [two 1st-winter on the Deep Pit; adult on the roof of the Enva Recycling Centre 15:20].

Girton Pits - 2 Caspian Gull [adult & 3rd -winter, Sheep fields on the north side of the Sailing Lake early afternoon].

Newark on Trent - 100+ Lapwing, 60 Golden Plover, 2 Egtptian Geese [fields near the Rugby Club, early afternoon], 4 Chiffchaff [in tit flock, riverside park].

Hoveringham - BLACK TERN [juvenile still present], 3 Great White Egret [Sailing Lake], Stonechat [seed fields by village].

Sunday 20th October

Lound [Idle Valley NR] - 9+Cattle Egret [Lower Sheep Fields, 16:34], Marsh Harrier [soth over Chainbridge Pit], also 3 Great White Egret.

Shelford - WILLOW TIT [heard then seen in bankside willows near Shelford Manor 14:00; then appeared to fly to woodland on the opposite bank].

Gedling CP - Stonechat [between the Top Pond and Solar Palels].

Holme Pierrepont - 2 Caspian Gull [both 1st-winter, Blotts Pit early afternoon].

Lowdham - Raven [over the northern section of Ploughman Wood, 12:00].

Girton Pits - Caspian Gull [2nd-winter, Sailing Lake then flew south this morning].

Attenborough Nature Reserve - Shelduck, 2 Pintail, 4 Goldeneye, 15 Goosander, 3 Great White Egret, Cattle Egret, adult Caspian Gull [Clifton Pit, this morning].

Saturday 19th October

Rampton - 2 COMMON CRANE [over south-east towards the river Trent, late morning].

Lound [Idle Valley NR] - BITTERN [north over Parish Park, this morning], 6 Pintail, 2 Great White Egret, Little Egret, 10 Golden Plover, 6 Ruff, 5 Snipe, Green Sandpiper [Neatholme Fen], 55 Pink-footed Geese [north over Water Ski Pit].

Attenborough Nature Reserve - 2 Caspian Gull [adult & 1st-winter, again Clifton Pit].

Friday 18th October

Hoveringham - BLACK TERN [juvenile, again on the Sailing Lake, 13:00 at least]; also 7 Great White Egret, 45 Little Egret, Cattle Egret, Swallow.

Lound [Idle Valley NR] -11+Cattle Egret [still Lower Sheep Fields, early afternoon], 40 Pink-footed Geese [low south Clayworth Common], 25 Redwing [west], Raven, Marsh Harrier.

Holme Pierrepont - Caspian Gull [adult, Blotts Pit early afternoon].

Barton in Fabis - 2 Cattle Egret [flew north-east over Trentside, this afternoon], 11 Grey Partridge, 2 Red Kite, 5+Stonechat.

Attenborough Nature Reserve - 2 Caspian Gull [adult & 1st-winter, Clifton Pit], Shelduck, 3 Goldeneye, Marsh Harrier, Red Kite.

Misson Springs [Finningley GP] - 14 Shoveler, 450+ Wigeon, 58 Lapwing, Great Crested Grebe, Yellow-legged Gull [adult], 13 LB-b Gull, 13 Cormorant, Grey Heron, c.10 Redwing. Todays Doncaster Birding

Sherwood Forest NNR - Yellow-browed Warbler [reported with Tit flock but no further details; Birdguides report].

Thursday 17th October

Hoveringham - BLACK TERN [north-east through the Sailing Lake]; also Swallow [Horse field, Sailing Lake track, early afternoon].

Holme Pierrepont - Marsh Harrier [Blotts Pit].

Gringley Carr - Caspian Gull [in fields with LBBG's; following tractor along Carr Road].

Idle Washlands (WeBS) - 135 Canada Geese, 92 Greylag Geese, 48 Mute Swan, Whooper Swan, 323 Shoveler, 199 Gadwall, 447 Wigeon, 245 Mallard, 8 Pintail, 136 Teal, 13 Pochard, 128 Tufted Duck, 10 Moorhen, 746 Coot, 5 Little Grebe, 20 Great Crested Grebe, 9 Redshank, 20 Black-headed Gull, 3 Cormorant, 2 Little Egret, 4 Great White Egret, 7 Grey Heron, 3 Marsh Harrier [Slaynes Lane, Newington Quarry/Unit 2]. Todays Doncaster Birding

Bennerley Marsh - 2 Stonechat [pair Chat Corner, 12:00].

Wednesday 16th October

Idle Washlands - c.3000 Pink-footed Geese [heading north-east 17:45; followed by smaller skeins of 75, 35 and 20], 2 Whooper Swan, 3 Great White Egret, 3 Marsh Harrier, 1500 Starling, Chiffchaff [Slaynes Lane].

Misson Springs [Finningley GP] - 3000+ Pink-footed Geese [north-west; presumably same as Slaynes birds]. Todays Doncaster Birding

Lound [Idle Valley NR] -13+Cattle Egret [Lower Sheep Fields, mid-afternoon].

Hoveringham - Ruddy Shelduck [still on the river by Ferry Farm Park].

Tuesday 15th October

Lound [Idle Valley NR] - Yellow-browed Warbler [calling around Baily Bridge, c.1km north of the Visitor Centre, this afternoon]; 9 Cattle Egret [Lower Sheep Fields], 7 Goosander [on river behind Tiln Wood], Redwing [single along hedges north of Tiln Wood].

Attenborough Nature Reserve - Caspian Gull [adult still Clifton Pit, this evening]; also 11 Goosander, 2 Goldeneye, 200 Wigeon, plenty of Redwing.

Holme Pierrepont - 2 Caspian Gull [adult & 1st-winter, Blotts Pit early afternoon].

Everton Carr – c.1000 Pink-footed Geese [heading east].

Idle Washlands - c.150 Pink-footed Geese [south], Whooper Swan, large increase in Wigeon numbers; 21 Pintail, Caspian Gull, 2 Cattle Egret, 3 Little Egret, 3 Great White Egret, Marsh Harrier, Buzzard [Slaynes Lane], c.80 Pink-footed Geese [east], Little Egret, 2 Grey Wagtail [Hagg Lane]. Todays Doncaster Birding

Langford Lowfields - GREY PLOVER [Phase Three, 08:30], Rock/Water Pipit [over Phase Three, mid-morning].

Osberton Estate - 2 Brambling [moving north-east over Scofton Village this morning].

Netherfield Lagoons - 2 BEARDED TIT [flew across in front of the bench, this morning], 2 Marsh Harrier [cream-crown's were seen leaving their roost in the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed]; also c.50 Wigeon [Slurry Lagoon], 2 Redpoll flew over and, along the Pylon Path], Brambling, c.80 Redwing [flew over]. Todays Gedling Consevation Trust Website

Monday 14th October

Lound [Idle Valley NR] - 2 Caspian Gull [both 2nd-winter, Chainbridge Pit 16:25], 4 Great White Egret [3 Chainbridge Pit/single Bellmoor], 3 Shelduck, 8 Snipe [Bellmoor Lake].

Attenborough Nature Reserve - 2 Caspian Gull [adult & 1st-winter], 2 Goldeneye, Golden Plover [over], Cattle Egret [Clifton Pit], 4 Pintail [Coneries].

Holme Pierrepont - Caspian Gull [1st-winter], Cattle Egret [Blotts Pit, early afternoon].

Idle Washlands - Ruff, Greenshank, 4 Little Egret [Hagg Lane Flash, late morning].

Sunday 13th October

Holme Pierrepont - FIRECREST [briefly on the west side of Blotts Pit by Bakers Bridge late afternoon]; 5 Whooper Swan [A52 Pit, late morning].

Kneesall - 5 Grey Partridge [fields along Eakring Road, 17:40].

Grove Farm - Marsh Harrier [cream-crown through north-east, 17:00].

Lambley/Lowdham - 3 Red Kite [over fields, 14:00].

Lound [Idle Valley NR] - Great White Egret, 10+Snipe [Bellmoor Lake], 9 Cattle Egret, Great White Egret, 30+Skylark [Chainbridge Scrape West], 16 Pink-footed Geese [Alans Meadow], Whooper Swan [Chainbridge Pit, then flew north, 13:40], 2 Great White Egret, 5 Little Egret, 4 Skylark [Chainbridge Pit].

Wollaton Park - 2 Goosander, 5 Red-crested Pochard, 6 Ring-necked Parakeet [this afternoon].

Idle Washlands - 3 Whooper Swan [dropped into Slaynes Lane 10:50 then flew off 11:05]; also Marsh Harrier.

Owlthorpe - 2 Stonechat [400m south of th A46 Owlthorpe/Cotgrave turn off].

Rufford CP - 5 Goosander.

Attenborough Nature Reserve - Cattle Egret, Great White Egret, 2 Goldeneye [Clifton Pit, this morning].

Langford Lowfields - 10 Whooper Swan [3 landed on Phase Three then flew north-west; 7 flew south-east, 09:15].

Saturday 12th October

Idle Washlands - Slavonian Grebe [Slaynes Lane south, late morning - 15:00 at least]; also 5 Great Crested Grebe, Great White Egret, Marsh Harrier.

Misson Springs [Finningley GP] - 3 Red-legged Partridge, 10 Ringed Plover, c.50 Lapwing, 4 Curlew, Greenshank, 4 Dunlin, 7 Cormorant, Green Woodpecker, 7 Skylark E, Goldcrest, Meadow Pipit. Todays Doncaster Birding

Attenborough Nature Reserve - 2 Cattle Egret, adult Caspian Gull [Clifton Pit, 15:00].

Holme Pierrepont - Marsh Harrier [Blotts Pit, late afternoon].

Friday 11th October

Lound [Idle Valley NR] - 10 Cattle Egret [Lower Sheep Fields], BITTERN [Chainbridge Scrape West], Ruff, Marsh Harrier [Chainbridge Scrape East], Caspian Gull [2nd-winter], 2 Great White Egret, Green Sandpiper [Chainbridge Pit], 4 Ruff [Neatholme Fen], 60 Pink-footed Geese [Blaco], Pintail [Tiln North].

Idle Washlands - 15 Pintail, Cattle Egret, Cetti's Warbler [Slaynes Lane].

Attenborough Nature Reserve - 5 Cattle Egret [Clifton Pit, 12:37]; also 170 Wigeon, 6 Goosander, Caspian Gull.

Kilvington Lakes - 11 Whooper Swan, Pintail [West Lake, this morning].

Thursday 10th October

Holme Pierrepont - ARCTIC TERN [juvenile A52 Pit/Blotts Pit tho mobile mid-afternoon]; also Marsh Harrier [through Blotts Pit].

Hucknall - 4 Stonechat, 2 Yellowhammer [along footpath by Silo Farm off Whyburn Lane between 14:00 - 15:00].

Idle Washlands - Whooper Swan, 245 Pink-footed Geese [195 over south towards Gringley, 95 heading east, 12:30], Cattle Egret, 10 Pintail, GARGANEY, 3 Marsh Harrier, Kingfisher, 3 Chiffchaff, 2 Cetti's Warbler, Skylark [Slaynes Lane].

Thoresby Pit Top - 54 Pink-footed Geese [heading east this morning], 13 Grey Partridge.

Wednesday 9th October

Langford Lowfields - Yellow-browed Warbler [showing well in the north-east corner of Phase One, late morning].

Attenborough Nature Reserve - 2 Caspian Gull [Clifton Pit, this evening].

Idle Washlands - 5 COMMON SCOTER [3 drake's, Slaynes Lane south-west this morning]; also 2 BEARDED TIT.

Osberton Estate - c.250 Golden Plover, Hobby.

Tuesday 8th October

Attenborough Nature Reserve - 4 Cattle Egret, Caspian Gull [Clifton Pit, this evening].

Besthorpe NR - 12+Swallow [mid-afternoon].

Idle Washlands - Whooper Swan, 100 Pink-footed Geese [over to Gringley], 20 Pintail, GARGANEY, 5 Great White Egret, 9 Ruff [Slaynes Lane], 14+ Little Egret, 2 Great White Egret, 42 Stock Dove [Hagg Lane Flash].

Misson Springs [Finningley GP] - 20 Pink-footed Geese [north-west; also several thousand moved north-west over Bank End at dusk], 67 Shoveler, 5 Pochard, 9 Ringed Plover, 29 Lapwing, Dunlin, Grey Heron, Buzzard, 2 Green Woodpecker Todays Doncaster Birding

Monday 7th October

Barton in Fabis - Great Grey Shrike [showing well from the floodbank north of the village off Brown Lane, 09:50 to 17:27 at least].

Great Grey Shrike - Barton in Fabis © Simon Roberts.

© Kev Hawksridge.

© Richard Smyth.

© Mile Cluff.

Misson Springs [Finningley GP] - c.240 Wigeon, 7 Little Grebe, 190+ Lapwing, Curlew, Green Sandpiper, 7 Dunlin, Common Gull, 4 GB-b Gull, 5 Cormorant, Green Woodpecker. Todays Doncaster Birding

Hucknall - 2 Grey Partridge [eastern end of the old runway on former airfield], 4 Stonechat.

Newark on Trent - 130+Skylark [ploughed field near Kelham Bridge].

Scrooby - 500+Pink-footed Geese [over Scrooby Top towards Lound, 09:46].

Sunday 6th October

Langford Lowfields - LITTLE GULL [juvenile, Phase Three early afternoon].

Misson Springs [Finningley GP] - 49 Shoveler, 19 Pochard, 7 Grey Partridge, c.80 Lapwing, 25 Ringed Plover, 9 Dunlin, Greenshank, 10 LB-b Gull. Todays Doncaster Birding

Attenborough Nature Reserve - 3 Cattle Egret, Caspian Gull [Clifton Pit].

Lound [Idle Valley NR] - Caspian Gull [2nd-winter Alans Meadow, 12:50].

Colwick - 4 Ring-necked Parakeet [flew south-east over garden this morning].

Saturday 5th October

Silverdale Estate - Snow Bunting [feeding on pavement corner of Grazingfield 07:15, then flew towards Somerton Avenue; flushed by Asda Van!].

Snow Bunting - Silverdale © Steve James.

Misson Springs [Finningley GP] - TURNSTONE [left south, 17:07]; also 18 Shoveler, c.100 Wigeon, 120+ Teal, 15 Pochard, 8 Little Grebe, 4 Great Crested Grebe, 15 Ringed Plover, 62 Lapwing, 2 Redshank, 4 Dunlin, 3 Cormorant

Langford Lowfields - Caspian Gull [Phase Three, mid-morning].

Friday 4th October

Scrooby - Cattle Egret [on flooded field off Mill Lane, this afternoon].

Langford Lowfields - Cattle Egret, 2 Sand Martin [this morning].

Attenborough Nature Reserve - 2 Cattle Egret [Clifton Pit].

Thursday 3rd October

Thoresby Pit Top - RING OUZEL [headed south over the Pit Top, mid-morning].

Attenborough Nature Reserve - Hobby [low over Kingfisher hide], 3 Swallow [over the river].

Stoke Bardolph - Ruddy Shelduck [on the river by the Ferry Boat Inn].

Skegby Bottoms - Little Egret [by the stream, 07:15].

Wednesday 2nd October

Misson Springs [Finningley GP] - 3000+ Pink-footed Geese [heading north-west to roost on Hatfield Moors, 18:30]; Shelduck, c.40 Shoveler, Ringed Plover, Green Woodpecker, 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Meadow Pipit. Todays Doncaster Birding

Sutton on Trent - c.40 Whooper Swan [west, 18:30], 4 Redwing [north].

Lound [Idle Valley NR] - 4 Ruff [Neatholme Fen], 2 Goldeneye [Neatholme Pit], 3 Great White Egret [single Cross Lane Fishery; 2 Chainbridge Pit], 17 Red-crested Pochard [Chainbridge Scrape West].

Newark on Trent - 9 Golden Plover [field behind Newark Rugby Club].

Stoke Bardolph - Ruddy Shelduck [on the river by the Ferry Boat Inn].

Hoveringham - Ruddy Shelduck [on the river by Ferry Farm Park].

Annesley Pit Top [Newstead & Annesley CP] - 2 ROCK PIPIT [briefly then flew north-west, early morning].

Hickling - Redwing [flew north, 07:15].

Tuesday 1st October

Holme Pierrepont - Yellow-browed Warbler [still in willows along the main footpath between Bakers Bridge and the north end of the concrete track between A52 Pit and Blotts Pit, early morning].

Misson Springs [Finningley GP] - 15+ Ringed Plover, 1 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Dunlin, 1 Green Sandpiper, 1 Greenshank, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Buzzard. Todays Doncaster Birding

Bennerley Marsh - Great White Egret, c.70 mixed House Martin/Swallow [this afternoon].

Many thanks to:

Roger Bennett, Alison Blinston, Michael Blount, Andy Capstick, Darren Chapman, Alan Clewes, Miles Cluff, Ian Cowgill, Lorraine Creamer, Mark Dawson, Lance Degnan, John Ellis, Del Evans, Steve Furber, Vic Giles, Steve Gregory, Kev Hawksridge, Gary Hobson, Paul Hobson, John Hopper, Steve James, Steve Keller, Andy Lane, Mike Leatherland, Ian Livsey, Ged Moley, Paul Naylor, Phil Palmer, Peter Playle, Dave Read, Brian Reid, Mark Roberts, Simon Roberts, Chris Robinson, Alfie Seastron, David Singleton, Alan Scrimshaw, Tom Shields, Andy Shooter, Richard Smyth, Edmund Staunton, Alan Thomas, David Tyldesley, Bob Usher, Tony Wardell, Brian Whetton, Jon White, Mark Wilde.

Notts Rare and Scarce Whatapp Group, Lound Whatapp Group, Idle Washlands Whatapp Group, @NottsBirders Twitter Feed, RSPB Langford Lowfields, Netherfield Wildlife Group, Doncaster Birding.


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